Crystal Mt. 12/18/13 Wednesday
Arrived by noon - no hurry no fresh snow this morning.
Found excellent groomed soft conditions, mostly cloudy 23 degrees.
Rode for an hour and a half non -stop. Schooled at backside 180s converting them from a butter slide to an Ollie. Getting the muscle memory down and still working on the muscle strength to get more pop between the board and the ground.
That might be it on the slopes for awhile. Heading back down state for the Holidays and Family stuff.
Got to love the season pass - come and go as you please, stay long, stay short. I don't feel like I have to ride 8 hours to get my $60.00 worth.
Time: 12:00 - 1:30
Conditions: Nicely groomed
Gear: Hero Board
Weather: Cloudy, 23 degrees, lite winds
Schooled: Backside 180s
Season totals: 47,227 vertical feet
Total Distance: 74.6 miles
GPS Data:
Maximum Speed 32.0 MPH
Distance 5.9 mi.
Vertical 3776 ft
Slope 19°
Duration 01:38:00